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二语学习者的心理词汇发展——同音词与说话人差异对汉语词汇发音学习的影响 2024/10/16 
Effects of phonological (un)certainty on lexical activation 2024/07/12 
汉语非字面语言认知加工的“规约层级递进模型” 2023/12/05 
具身语言认知的理论与实证研究 2023/02/28 
第三届双语认知与发展学术研讨会 2022/12/17 

Dr. Wen Zhisheng: Towards a Taxonomy of Working Memory in First and Second Langua... 2020/12/11 
Dr. Constantinos Hadjichristidis:The Foreign Language Effect on Judgment on Decis... 2020/09/18 
Prof. Alan Yu: The cognitive origins of invidual variation in speech perception a... 2020/09/18 
张辉教授谈母语与二语神经认知的个体差异及其影响因素 2020/06/15 
首届双语认知与发展学术研讨会/The 1st Symposium on Bilingual Cognition and Develop... 2019/12/20 

余可可博士讲座:ERP技术在语言认知研究中的应用 2019/12/20 
龚涛博士系列讲座Talk series by Dr. Tao Gong 2019/10/29 
桂诗春学术思想座谈会 2018/04/22 
Incidental Acquisition of Foreign Language Vocabulary 2017/11/29 
Word Recognition and the Bilingual Brain 2017/11/28 

How Second Language Learning Remodels the Human Brain 2017/11/06 
A dynamic usage-based approach and its technique to tracing L2 development 2017/05/22 
Multidimensional SLA - MultiLSA.key 2017/05/04 
白学军教授谈“汉语眼动研究的几个基本特征” 2017/02/26 
双语经验对脑功能和结构的塑造:来自口语-手语双语者的证据 2014/01/02 
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版权所有      广东外语外贸大学双语认知与发展实验室