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How Second Language Learning Remodels the Human Brain

时间:2017年11月13日 15:30



李平宾夕法尼亚州立大学心理学、语言学、信息科学与技术等专业终身教授, 美国白宫脑计划美国科学基金会科研课题首席科学家。北京大学学士,马克斯普朗克研究所心理语言学硕士,荷兰莱顿大学博士、毕业后在加州大学圣地亚哥分校的语言研究中心和McDonald Pew认知神经科学中心进行博士后研究、1992年至1996年期间担任香港中文大学助理教授,2004年担任美国里士满大学心理学和认知科学教授。目前他是宾夕法尼亚州立大学脑、行为、认知中心联合主任,计算科学研究院副主任,Journal of Neurolinguistics主编,Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences副主编。他曾担任Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 的主编 (2003-2013), Society for Computers in Psychology的主席(2012)及美国国家科学基金会的认知神经科学计划和感知、行为和认知计划的主任(2007-2009)。李平教授在心理语言学,语言习得,计算机模型及双语的认知神经机制等领域出版了大量的研究专著及150>学术论文。有关李平教授研究的更多信息请点击http://blclab.org/.


How does the learning of a second language (L2) impact the functional and structural changes in the brain when the brain is already dedicated to one’s native language (L1)? How can we identify, predict, and promote rapid L2 learning-induced brain changes? While the mainstream cognitive neuroscience of language has focused on the learning and representation of L1, in recent years there has been a surge of interest in the L2 mind and brain. In this talk, I ask how second language experience shapes functional and neuroanatomical changes, and present evidence from our short-term training or long-term longitudinal studies of students who learn Chinese as their L2. With these studies we attempt to identify (a) how neurocognitive changes occur as a function of learning contexts (traditional vs. 3D virtual environment), (b) how such changes may capture learning success and effectiveness, and (c) whether the changes may be related to non-linguistic cognitive and spatial abilities. Findings from our studies provide insights into the understanding of neuroplasticity (e.g., how learning leads to domain-specific and domain-general brain changes), individual differences (e.g., how cognitive capacity impacts and predicts learning success), and knowledge representation (e.g., how neurocognitive patterns reflect knowledge and understanding in the L2).



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