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A dynamic usage-based approach and its technique to tracing L2 development

主讲人简介:Marjolijn Verspoor是荷兰格罗宁根大学英语语言及英语作为第二语言教授,任英语系主任。她的研究领域为英语语言及二语习得。目前出版的学术成果涵盖动态系统理论、双语教育、二语加工及教学中的认知因素、英语补足语的认知语言学视角等。她的研究在国际同行中具有重要影响,现担任国际知名出版社John Benjamins系列丛书“语言及交流研究中的趋同证据”管理编辑,系列丛书“认知语言学的实际应用”编委,以及国际期刊《认知语言学研究》、《认知语言学》及《当代语言及语言研究》常务审稿人。




A dynamic usage based (DUB) approach to language entails seeing language as a complex, dynamic system (Langacker 2000) and language development as a dynamic process. I will first argue that a usage based theory to language is very much in line with complex, dynamic systems theory (CDST), which might be argued to be a meta theory. Then I will argue that general CDST principles apply to first and second language development, and that by applying methods and techniques developed in CDST, we can gain new insights into language development from a dynamic usage based approach.    


In the workshop session, I will detail how we do the calculations with a comprehensive explanation of the rationale behand it and provide an excel sheet with the built-in tools so that you can practice the dynamic system technique and apply it elsewhere.    



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