会议伊始,Guillaume Thierry教授、高山博士和王治国博士分别围绕双语认知研究实验设计、ERP数据采集与分析EyeLink语言研究工作坊三个主题展开了会前培训。
此次研讨会邀请了五位在心理语言学和人工智能领域享有盛誉的国内外专家学者进行了主旨发言。他们分别是美国匹兹堡大学教授、《大脑皮层》(Cerebral Cortex)杂志副主编Julie Fiez、班戈大学教授Guillaume Thierry、湖南大学Chris Sinha教授、中国科学院心理研究所研究员李兴珊和电子科技大学教授屈鸿。五位专家学者对跨语言视角下阅读中的大脑神经组织、大脑与语言的关系、中文阅读中特异性的认知机理研究和自然语言处理等议题展开了系统讲解。
Lab members participated in the 5th International Conference of Psycholinguistics in China at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu. The conference lasted for three days from October 25th to 27th. The conference was held by the Chinese Association of Psycholinguistics and catered by the School of Foreign Languages and Sichuan Association of Cognitive Linguistics.
Before the opening ceremony of the conference, Professor Guillaume Thierry, Dr. Gao Shan, and Dr. Wang Zhiguo conducted pre-conference training on three topics: Experimental design for bilingual cognitive research, ERP data collection, and Workshop for EyeLink language research.
Five international experts and scholars with a high reputation in the fields of psycholinguistics and artificial intelligence were invited to give keynote speeches at the conference. They are Professor Julie Fiez from University of Pittsburgh who is also Associate Editor of Cerebral Cortex, Professor Guillaume Thierry from Bangor University, Professor Chris Sinha from Hunan University, Li Xingshan from the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Professor Qu Hong from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Five experts systematically explained the topics of Cross-linguistic perspectives on the neural organization of the brain for reading, the relationship between language and brain, cognitive mechanisms in Chinese reading, and natural language processing.
Lab members including Zhao Chen, Cai Rendong, Lin Jiexuan, Yang Yumin, Zhang Caihui, Yu Zhibin, Wen Hao, and Zhong Fei participated in the group discussion of the conference to give reports on their research. Twelve specific topics such as "Artificial Intelligence Linguistics Research", "Bilingual Experience and Cognitive Control", "Prosody Understanding and Rhythm Production in Language Processing", "Study on the Specific Relationship between Language Acquisition and Language Processing", "Eye Movement Research in Language Processing" "The Neural Mechanism of Second Language Syntax and Semantic Processing", "Study on the Cognitive Mechanism of Chinese Second Language Acquisition", "Speech Processing, Development and Acquisition Research", "Cognitive Computing Research on Language Processing", "Language and Cultural Cognitive Interaction Mechanism", and "Aging and Language Barrier Research" were discussed in depth in this conference.
During this conference, the lab members learned about the latest research progress and cutting-edge academic achievements of psycholinguistics.