2019年8月22至28日,实验室成员李颖卉、余志斌等17名师生参加了由中国英汉语比较研究会、心理语言学专业委员会、湖南大学外国语学院联合主办的“第一届心理语言学讲习班”。本次课程培训中,实验室成员不仅集中、系统地学习了心理语言学学科知识(实验设计、统计分析等)、学科技术(E-prime、眼动技术、ERP 等软件和仪器原理和应用)、和学科范式(句子加工、阅读加工、口语产的研究范式),更在心理语言学资深教授们的引导下了解了当前学科领域的研究热点和研究前沿。培训尾声,实验室成员还收获了来自资深评审专家有关国际论文写作和发表、高级别课题申报方面的经验分享。课程培训期间,实验室成员与自己感兴趣领域的其他研究者进行了深入交流。
Lab members participated in the First CACSEC Psycholinguistics Workshop co-held by CACSEC (China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese), CAP (The Chinese Association of Psycholinguistics) at School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University. The workshop lasted for six days from Aug 23rd to 28th. It systematically covers the foundation courses of psycholinguistics (eg. experimental design, statistic analysis etc.), experimental techniques (eg. the basic principles and applications of E-prime, Eye-tracking device, and ERP), and some experimental paradigms for bilingual researches (eg. sentences processing, reading processing, oral production etc.), together with the current research focus and frontiers of psycholinguistics. Besides, some senior reviewers shared their experience on high-level project application, academic writing and publication. It was an opportunity for our lab members to exchange ideas with other attendees and obtain valuable advice from senior scholars in the filelds.