2018年7月9至10日,实验室在读博士研究生徐歌赴英国参加了在伦敦大学学院举办的2018 BAAL词汇研究年会。
本届会议的主题为“Vocabulary development and use across diverse contexts”,探讨不同语言背景下学习者词汇能力发展以及词汇运用。会议期间,牛津大学的Murphy教授及圣玛丽大学的Forster教授做了主旨发言,包括Paul Meara、Norbert Schmitt在内等50多位学者做了发言报告及海报展示。10日下午,徐歌做了题为 “A Comparative Study of Vocabulary Depth in L2 Mental Lexicon in Chinese EFL Learners” 的海报展示。
PhD candidate XU Ge was invited to attend the 2018 Annual BAAL Vocabulary Studies Conference held at University College London from July 9th to 10th.
The theme of the conference was “Vocabulary development and use across diverse contexts”, focusing on vocabulary research in varying linguistic contexts and with learners of different characteristics. In the conference, Prof. Victoria Murphy from Oxford University and Prof. Pauline Forster from St. Mary’s University gave the plenary speeches and over 50 researchers, including Paul Meara and Norbert Schmitt, gave the paper presentations and poster presentations. On the afternoon of July 10th, XU did a poster presentation on “A comparative study of vocabulary depth in L2 mental lexicon in Chinese EFL learners”.
In this conference, researchers mainly focused on two areas. One was the development of lexical ability from different modes of exposure and approaches (i.e. reading while listening, viewing, pushed-output activities, input-based and output-based tasks). Another recurring topic was the development of multi-word units (i.e. formulaic language and phraseological knowledge), reflecting current interests and trends in the field.