本届会议从预测、整合、适应及语言特殊性等角度探讨句子加工的相关议题。14日,余志斌与赵宏明参加了会议主办方提供的为期一天的会前脑电培训,并与脑电领域的著名学者Steven Luck教授进行了会后交流。在15至17日正式会议期间,来自世界各地的学者共做了6个主旨发言和29个发言报告。16日下午,余志斌与赵宏明作了题为“The neurocognitive mechanism of gender agreement processing by Chinese EFL learners”的海报展示。该研究探讨中国英语学习者进行二语语义性别一致性加工的神经机制,以及二语水平对该机制的调节作用。两人在报告后与感兴趣的其他研究者进行了交流。
PhD candidates Zhibin YU and Hongming ZHAO were invited to participate in the 31st Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference held at the University of California, Davis from March 13 to 17.
This conference covered a wide range of issues of sentence processing, including prediction, integration, adaptation and language specificity. On March 14, YU and ZHAO took part in a Micro ERP Bootcamp provided by the CUNY Organizing Committee, during which they discussed the application of ERP technique to language research with Prof. Steven Luck, a prestigious scholar in neurocognitive science. From March 15th to 17th, they listened to a total of 6 keynote speeches and 29 talks given by researchers around the world. On the afternoon of March 16th, YU and ZHAO did a poster presentation on “The Neurocognitive Mechanism of Gender Agreement Processing by Chinese EFL Learners”. This study investigated the neurocognitive mechanism of L2 gender agreement processing by Chinese EFL learners, as well as the potential influence of L2 proficiency on such mechanism.