林洁绚博士于2017年2月至8月期间赴英国兰卡斯特大学语言学与英语语言系PsyLab实验室访学,实验室主任为Patrick Rebuschat博士。访学期间,林洁绚博士在Patrick Rebuschat博士的帮助下,继续进行她的外语语音趋同研究与数据分析,在二语习得与教学、社会语音学两个研究小组共同组织的研讨会上报告研究成果,并与Patrick Rebuschat博士合作开展进一步研究,收集数据。在英期间,她还访问了诺丁汉大学心理学系的双语研究组,并在组内分享她的研究。PsyLab实验室的研究方向是双语认知,主要研究课题包括语言的显性与隐形学习、成人二语习得、语言与音乐。
Dr Jiexuan LIN was a visiting scholar at the PsyLab based in the Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University from February to August 2017. Hosted by the lab director, Dr Patrick Rebuschat, Jiexuan continued her project on phonetic imitation in nonnative speakers and presented her findings in a talk co-organized by the Sociophonetics Group and the Second Language Learning and Teaching Research Group. She also presented her study in the bilingual research group at School of Psychology, University of Nottingham. She also worked with Dr Patrick Rebuschat to establish a new study to extend her previous research.The PsyLab focuses on bilingual cognition with specific research areas in implicit and explicit learning of languages, adult second language acquisition, and language and music.