外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心董燕萍教授和2012级博士研究生李颖卉应邀参加了3月28至29日由美国蒙特雷国际研究学院(MiddleburyInstitute of International Studies)举办的2015蒙特雷论坛(Monterey Forum 2015)。在分组发言中,李颖卉代表二人做了题为“Beginning student interpreters' developmental features in usingstrategies for consecutive interpreting tasks”的汇报,引起与会代表的热烈讨论。口译领域知名学者Daniel Gile教授和本次论坛执委刘敏华教授均表达了对口译相关心理语言学研究的浓厚兴趣。这次论坛的主题是“在日新月异的世界里培养翻译人才,口译人才和本地化人才”。主办方蒙特雷国际研究学院是培养口译人才的世界顶尖学府之一。
ProfessorYanping Dong and PhD candidate Yinghui Li were invited to give a paperpresentation on Monterey Forum 2015 at the Middlebury Institute ofInternational Studies from March 28th to 29th. Their study examined andrevealed beginning student interpreters' developmental features in usingstrategies for consecutive interpreting tasks, which triggered a heateddiscussion among the audience. On the Forum, both interpreting researcher andpractitioner Professor Daniel Gile and Organizing Committee Member ProfessorMinhua Liu expressed their great interest in research on interpreting from apsycholinguistic perspective. The theme of this Forum is “educatingtranslators, interpreters, and localizers in an evolving world”. The Instituteis a world-renowned school in educating interpreters.