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语言加工处理体系及机制亚洲会议(第二届)2nd Conference on AMLaP Asia

Skyline at night, with building lights reflected in water


2nd Conference on

Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Asia

(AMLaP Asia)


April 24 – 26th, 2020

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong



2020424 – 26



Abstract submissions: Open Sept 1st - December 31st 2019

摘要提交日期:201991 – 1231



We are pleased to announce that the 2nd conference of AMLaP Asia will take place at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, April 24-26th, 2020.


第二届语言加工处理体系及机制亚洲会议将于2020424 – 26日在香港中文大学




Invited speakers


Dale Barr (University of Glasgow, UK)

Holly Branigan (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Franklin Chang (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan)

Ping Li (Pennsylvania State University, USA)

Catherine McBride (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK)

Xiaolin Zhou (Peking University, China)


Symposium: Psycholinguistics of translation and interpreting (organized by Yanping Dong)


Pre-conference workshop (April 23rd): Practical introduction to mixed effects modelling (by Dale Barr)

前会议工作坊 (423): 混合效应模型的实战入门训练 (由Dale Barr教授讲授)


We welcome submissions of empirical findings on various aspects of language. Topics in past AMLaP or AMLaP Asia conferences have included (but are not limited to): speech recognition and production, word recognition and production, sentence comprehension and production, discourse comprehension, dialogue, language disorder, language learning, bilingualism, language and the brain, language and cognition. Methodologies used in past presentations include (but are not limited to): reaction times, categorical judgement, verbal responses, eye movement, computational modelling, EEG, fMRI, PET, fNIRS, tDCS, data mining, corpus studies.

我们欢迎任何关于语言实证研究的投稿。以往的AMLaP AMLaP Asia会议的投稿内容包括(但不限于):语音识别及产出、词汇识别及产出、句子理解及产出、语篇理解、对话、失语症、语言学习、双语研究、语言及大脑、语言及认知等等。研究方法包括反应时、归类判断、言语反应、眼动、计算模拟、EEG, fMRI, PET, fNIRS, tDCS、大数据、预料分析等等。


联系方式: amlap.asia@cuhk.edu.hk

详情请见: http://ling.cuhk.edu.hk/amlap.asia/


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