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董燕萍、陈小聪参加双语国际研讨会 Prof. Dong and Phd candidate Chen attended ISB 11




Prof. Yanping DONG and PhD candidate Xiaocong CHEN attended the ISB11

Prof.Yanping DONG and PhD candidate Xiaocong CHEN participated in the 11th International Symposium of Bilingualism (ISB 11), which was held by the University of Limerick in Ireland from June 11 to 15, 2017.

With over 900 participants from different countries, this symposium covered a wide range of research topics on bilingualism, with a full discussion of these topics from different disciplines. On June 12, Prof. Yanping DONG attended the colloquium on the interpreting research, and reported the lab’s recent work on interpreters’ advantage in cognitive control, which aroused the interests of many attendees. In addition, Prof. Dong also discussed other relevant issues on the interpreting research with scholars in the field. On June 15, Xiaocong CHEN reported his work on the comparison of the predictive power between different English corpus-based frequency norms on the L2 lexical processing, and discussed the choice of frequency norms in L2 research with other participants.   


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