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董燕萍续聘BLC编委 Prof. Dong reappointed as BLC Editorial Board member

实验室主任董燕萍被续聘为国际双语旗舰期刊Bilingualism: Language and Cognition(SSCI)编委,本次聘期截止到2019年12月31日。Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2015年的影响因子为2.33,在SSCI收录的178个语言类刊物中排名第四。

同时被国际知名学术出版社John Benjamins续聘为系列专著Bilingual Processing and Acquisition顾问。


Lad director Prof. Yanping Dong was reappointed as an Editorial Board member of Bilingualism: Language and Cognition (SSCI). The journal ranks fourth out of the 178 titiles in the Linguistics category of the list of SSCI, with an impact factor of 2.33. The new term will run until 31 December 2019.

She was also reappointed as a member of Advisory Board for the series of Bilingual Processing and Acquisition by John Benjamins.



版权所有      广东外语外贸大学双语认知与发展实验室